Kay Fontaine Relationship Training

Grow to understand your horse as a partner in a relationship based on competence, fairness and trust in constantly evolving interactions. Emphasis on learning signs of your horse's health, character, emotional state and on your horse's movement in response to your body and hand signals.

About the Horse

Welcome to Kay Fontaine Training!  Kay has been training horses and their people for about forty years.  During her career she has started over two hundred young horses and even a greater number of riders.  Her experience encompasses both width and breadth, including with working her family’s dairy cattle, to starting colts at the track, as well as studying 3 day eventing with notable Olympians.

Through it all, Kay’s emphasis has been about the horse.  We’ve all heard it said before that every time we are in the horse’s environment we are “training” him in one form or another.  The question is, how do we read what his response is to our actions or inactions, whether on the ground or on horseback?  And if the response is not that which we desire, how do we elicit the correct response?  Kay works with her students to recognize the smallest change in a horse’s expression and body language, and interpret the meaning behind it.  With her background in sound riding principles, bio-mechanics, and understanding of a horse’s motivations, she teaches her students how to affect a better relationship with their horse.

In the end it is all about the horse's confidence, his comfort, and his need for safety.  Kay brings the knowledge to those who seek that special partnership with their horse.